April 1, 2011


No, I'm not talking about the 1980's action adventure TV series featuring my childhood hero, Mr. T. I'm referring to a group of talented folks, all with different strengths and weaknesses, who collectively produce greater results than they could alone.

I’ve always been a dreamer. Ideas come easy to me. I figured that the execution of those ideas would come with equal ease. I spent my first 10 years post-college working for well resourced and adequately staffed corporate companies. We had a team for everything and execution came easy. But there’s nothing like a good ol’ understaffed and under resourced start-up to strip the ego, beat up the pride and snap you back into a reality. That’s what the last 4 years have done for me.

Although I said I love to master the Rubik’s Cube, I now know better than to tackle it alone. All that Team stuff I heard about...I understand that concept now. There is nothing quite as valuable as a solid team. And there's nothing quite as detrimental as an unhealthy or unbalanced team. Much of these past several years have been figuring out where I fit in; learning what I’m great at and what I’m not so great at.

So, where do I fit in? My piece of the puzzle is...
