April 1, 2011


Consuming our media digitally is quickly becoming the norm. Most of us consume some sort of digital media daily in the form of text, photos, audio and video. The benefits of digital media are numerous but undoubtedly one of the greatest benefits is how quickly digital media can be distributed, consumed and shared.

Social Media = Digital Media content that you and I publish and share within the context of a social environment (e.g. blog, Twitter, Facebook).

Social Commerce = the convergence of Social Media and eCommerce. Using attributes found within a social environment to assist in the online buying and selling of products and services (e.g. customer ratings,reviews, recommendations and referrals).

Social Commerce 2.0
What I'm excited about is the next evolution of Social Commerce that involves selling D2C directly within these social environments. Social Commerce 2.0 will radically change what we purchase, where we purchase, how we purchase and how much we purchase. I plan to play a significant role in bringing this Digital Marketplace to Social Media.
