April 1, 2011


If you grew up as a child of the 70’s & 80’s like I did, you’ve probably had your hand at solving one of life’s greatest puzzles ever invented, the 6 sided, 6 colored, Rubik's Cube. Either you hate it or love it. I fall into the later category. In fact, my favorite part of being an entrepreneur is that there is always a 6 sided monster that needs to be twisted, turned, maneuvered, tweaked, adjusted and eventually solved. In business, I’d categorize these these 6 sides as Employees, Customers, Revenues, Expenses, Development and Sales & Marketing.

1. Employees (white)
2. Customers (red)
3. Revenues (blue)
4. Expenses (orange)
5. Development (green)
6. Sales & Marketing (yellow)

Any problem or solution, defeat or victory involve one or more of these six core elements. And more often than not, they tend to be scrambled like a Rubik's Cube in a thousand different directions. It’s easy to get one or two colors to match on the Rubik's. But nearly impossible to get all 6 sides. And typically, most folks only have to worry about one or two colors throughout their career (e.g. I’m a Sales and Marketing guy who worries about revenue). However, I’ve already be given the rare responsibility and privilege of having to align all 6 colors at once. And although it never is easy, after you master the cube once, you’re able to approach the next puzzle with a little more patience, confidence and finesse.

Aligning all 6 sides doesn't mean going it alone. My ideas about a team...
